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5 Reasons to Learn Biomagnetism

Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Get certified NOW! 5 Reasons to Learn Biomagnetism.

Reasons to Learn Biomagnetism | Medical biomagnetism therapy

Introduction to the Certification.

Many clients ask me if it’s possible to recover from conditions that are widely misunderstood and complex like Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Lupus, Lyme, Cancer, HIV, and so many other so called “incurable” conditions or “immune disorders”. People ask If we can recover our kidneys despite undergoing dialysis, regenerate a healthy liver despite cirrosis, or become fertile despite years of infertility. Experience and thousands of testimonials prove that everything, YES EVERY part of our body, can heal and recover.

About seven years ago I did a session for a colleague’s son who was suffering from asthma for years. She explained how she had to use a nebulizer with him every night and would take him to the emergency room because of insufficient oxygenation to his lungs. In just a single Biomagnetism session mom was shocked by the remarkable results! Since that session her son has not had to visit the ER due to asthma and he hasn’t required an inhaler!

Like this testimony, there are countless others thanks to the incredible work of Biomagnetism. Not to forget the healing of my own scoliosis. At age 17, I had a severe horseback riding fall insuring my hip and back My back was a sideways “S”, but thanks to this work is now straight! At age 39 I experienced a pretty painful tendinitis of the elbow that kept me up at night for over a year, yet the pain disappeared in only a few sessions!

These are just two of the many testimonials of how Biomagnetism can treat, manage and help you recover from any condition using kinesiology to guide the application of therapeutic grade magnets in very specific places to uncover and resolve what causes any condition.

So why study the New Era of Biomagnetism

During the training you will learn to recover your health quickly and be able to eliminate the dependence on medications, or the need for surgery or invasive treatments. You will also be able to apply this method on others to help them in their healing.

This method uses kinesiology to obtain information from the body about the root causes of conditions. This method can be used for self healing as well to help your loved ones or your clients, including children and mascots. It can be applied both in person and at a distance to uncover what is affecting the body on a physical, emotional, mental, and behavioral level.

The training combines learning principles in Magnet Therapy, the New Era of Biomagnetism, and covers healing the body from a integrated perspective serving as a powerful tool for the practitioners and their clients. Working from these different aspects: physical, emotional, mental, behavioral and energetic, we are able to recover quickly, reaching sustainable transformations.

5 reasons to learn Biomagnetism:

  1. To heal what Western medicine FAILS to heal.

  2. To heal quickly with methods easy to apply.

  3. Eliminate the dependence on medications and invasive risky procedures.

  4. To understand the causes of illness and physical, mental and emotional conditions

  5. To TRANSFORM lives: yours, your children, family and friends, mascots & anyone needing help, whether it be in person or remotely.

Topics covered during the certification:

  • Learn to understand and treat the human body from a physical, mental, emotional and energetic paradigm.

  • History of Biomagnetism, understanding magnets, polarities and magnetism.

  • Dynamics between organs and glands and body systems.

  • Fundamentals of Biomagnetism, Bioenergy and the New Era of Biomagnetism.

  • Connecting with our inner wisdom | higher self.

  • Creating a clean connection.

  • Energetic protection and space clearing.

  • Points of application.

  •  Pathogens and toxins.

  • Kinesiology.

  • Self-scanning and application for healing.

  • Remote treatments and telepathy.

  • Clearing emotions and behavior.

  • Complex conditions such as cancer, lupus, fibromyalgia, immune disorders, arthritis, weight etc.

  • Preparing for the consultation.

  • Refining the practitioner's skills


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